From JulianTeng
[edit] Unsolved Puzzles
This is where to find all the unsolved puzzles. For a complete list of all puzzles, go to the timeline.
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[edit] The Blog
Although this was not the first clue to be discovered, it should hold a major key to solving Brian's problems.
[edit] Whisper in World of Warcraft
The message:
VHdpbGlnaHQgQXBvc3RsZQ0KSGVyYWxkIFZvbGF6a g0KRWxkZXIgTmFkb3gNCldlYiBXcmFwDQpIYWRyb25v eA0KSW9uYXINClN0b3JtZm9yZ2VkIE1lbmRlcg0KUHJp bmNlc3MgVGhlcmFkcmFzDQpFbGRlciBTcGxpdHJvY2s NClJhem9ybGFzaA0KU3Bld2VkIExhcnZh
The translation:
Twilight Apostle Herald Volazj Elder Nadox Web Wrap Hadronox Ionar Stormforged Mender Princess Theradras Elder Splitrock Razorlash Spewed Larva
The solution:
The whispers
Although the code has been cracked, this puzzle remains unsolved. Although the blog mentions Brian hearing whispers, the significance of this message is still unknown.
[edit] The Video
Trent took this video when visiting Brian's apartment. No clues have been extracted from it yet.
[edit] The Ad
Lea created a missing person ad to post online. It may contain additional clues.